This completely updated second edition of Comprehensive Textbook of Psychotherapy discusses the contemporary landscape of psychotherapy, honors its complexities, and focuses on history, theory, science, practice, and diversity. The book is divided into three parts: (1) Models of Psychotherapy; (2) Psychotherapy by Modalities and Populations, and (3) Research Methods and Randomized Clinical Trials, Professional Issues, and New Directions in Psychotherapy. Part 1 details the similarities and differences that exist across models, in an effort to articulate overarching principles of human change and stability processes that are advanced through professional practice. Chapters in Part 1 are organized into sets of two; each set has a theory chapter covering one of the six psychotherapy models discussed, followed by a practice chapter that conveys and illustrates the use of the model in a specific application, including a detailed case example. Part 2 addresses modalities of psychotherapy such as group, family, and electronic-based approaches, as well as psychotherapy with specific populations such as children and adolescents, older adults, men, women, lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, among others. Part 3 covers research methods and randomized clinical trials, the training of psychotherapists, ethics and legal matters, and the future of psychotherapy. Research and diversity are emphasized in each chapter and throughout the book. This new edition of an established textbook will be valuable to instructors and students, psychotherapists-in-training, practitioners, and supervisors alike.
1. The Comprehensive Textbook of Psychotherapy: History, Theory, Research, Practice, and Diversity in Psychotherapy
Andrés J. Consoli, Larry E. Beutler, & Bruce Bongar
PART I: Models of Psychotherapy
2. Unity and Diversity Among Psychotherapies: A Comparative Perspective
David E. Orlinsky
3. Psychodynamic Therapies in Historical Perspective
Jerry Gold & George Stricker
4. Psychodynamic Therapies in Practice: Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy
Ephi Betan & Jeffrey Binder
5. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies in Historical Perspective
Michelle Newman, Lucas S. LaFreniere, & Ki Eun Shin
6. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies in Practice
Amy Wenzel
7. Existential, Humanistic, Experiential Psychotherapies in Historical Perspective
Orah Krug
8. Humanistic-Experiential Psychotherapy in Practice: Emotion-Focused Therapy
Robert Elliott & Leslie Greenberg
9. Interpersonal Psychotherapies in Historical Perspective
Scott Stuart
10. Interpersonal Psychotherapies in Practice: Working with Depressed Adults
Hui Qi Tong, Leila Zwelling, & Jeremy Doughan
11. Systemic Therapies in Historical Perspective
Harlene Anderson
12. Systemic Therapies in Practice: Family Consultation for Change-Resistant Health and Behavior Problems: A Systemic-Strategic Approach
Michael Rohrbaugh & Varda Shoham
13. Integrative Therapies in Historical Perspective
John C. Norcross, Marvin R. Goldfried, & Barrett E. Zimmerman
14. Integrative and Eclectic Therapies in Practice: Systematic Treatment Selection
Larry E. Beutler, Andrés J. Consoli, Samarea Lenore, & Joshua M. Sheltzer
PART II: Psychotherapy by Modalities and Populations
15. Group Therapy: Theory and Practice
J. Scott Rutan & Joseph J. Shay
16. Family Therapy: Theory and Practice
Guillermo Bernal & Keishalee Gómez-Arroyo
17. Electronic Based Therapy: Theory and Practice
Alinne Barrera, Meagan Stanley, & Alex Kelman
18. Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: Theory and Practice
Alexandra Hoff, Anna Swan, Rogelio Mercado, Elana Kagan, Erika Crawford, & Philip C. Kendall
19. Psychotherapy with Older Adults: Theory and Practice
Adriana Hyams & Forrest Scogin
20. Psychotherapy with Women: Theory and Practice
Melba J. T. Vasquez & Elisa M. Vasquez
21. Psychotherapy with Men: Theory and Practice
Chris Liang & Carin Molenaar
22. Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients: Theory and Practice
Peter Goldblum, Samantha Pflum, Matthew Skinta, Robert Wyatt Evans, & Kimberly Balsam
23. Psychotherapy with Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory and Practice
Joyce Chu, Amy Leino, Samantha Pflum, & Stanley Sue
24. Psychotherapy with Immigrants and Refugees: Theory and Practice
Melissa Morgan Consoli, Sherry C. Wang, Kevin DeLucio, & Oksana Yakushko
25. Psychotherapy and the Schizophrenia Spectrum: Theory and Practice
William Spaulding & Mary Sullivan
26. Psychotherapy with Military Personnel and Veterans: Theory and Practice
Uri Kugel, David Giannini, Victoria Kendrick, Larry James, Morgan Banks, & Bruce Bongar
27. Psychotherapy with People Exposed to Mass Casualty Events: Theory and Practice
Lisa Brown, Larry E. Beutler, Jennifer H. Patterson, Bruce Bongar, & Lori Holleran
28. Psychotherapy in Clinical Emergencies: Theory and Practice
Danielle Spangler, Lori Holleran, & Bruce Bongar
PART III: Research Methods and Randomized Clinical Trials, Professional Issues, and New Directions in Psychotherapy
29. Methods of Psychotherapy Research and Randomized Clinical Trials
Paulo P. P. Machado, & Larry E. Beutler
30. The Training and Development of Psychotherapists: A Life-Span Perspective
Andrés J. Consoli, Héctor Fernández Álvarez, & Sergi Corbella
31. Ethics and Legal Matters in Psychotherapy
Kasie Hummel, Benjamin Bizar-Stanton, Wendy Packman, & Gerald P. Koocher
32. The Modern Psychotherapist and the Future of Psychotherapy
Robert L. Russell & Rainey Temkin
Andrés J. Consoli, Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Edited by Larry E. Beutler, Wm McInnes Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University, and Edited by Bruce Bongar, Calvin Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Palo Alto University
Andrés J. Consoli, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Consoli has served as president of the National Latina/o Psychological Association (2014), as member-at-large of APA's Division 52: International Psychology (2011-2013), as president of the Interamerican Society of Psychology (2007-2009), and as president of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (2001). He has served in the Council of National Psychology Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (CNPAAEMI) (2014-2016) and chairs the Council in 2016.
Larry E. Beutler, PhD, ABPP, is Wm McInnes Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University, and Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Beutler received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska and subsequently served on the faculties of Duke University Medical Center, Stephen F. Austin State University, Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, and the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is the Past Director of the National Center for the Psychology of Terrorism and the continuing Director of the Institute for the Study of Equine Assisted Change at Palo Alto University (PAU).
Bruce Bongar, PhD, ABPP, FAPM, CPsychol, is Calvin Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Palo Alto University, and Visiting Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. Dr Bongar is past co-director of training and co-chair, PGSP-Stanford Doctor of Psychology Program, and Consulting Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University School of Medicine. For over 30 years, Dr. Bongar maintained a small practice specializing in psychotherapy, consultation and supervision in working with the difficult and life-threatening patient. Past clinical appointments include service as a senior clinical psychologist with the Division of Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, and work as a clinical/community mental health psychologist on the psychiatric emergency team of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.
Héctor Fernández Álvarez, Ph.D., Aiglé Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Harlene Anderson, Houston Galveston Institute & The Taos Institute
Kimberly Balsam, Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Research (CLEAR), Palo Alto University
Morgan Banks, United States Army
Alinne Z. Barrera, Ph.D., Palo Alto University
Guillermo Bernal, Ph.D., Institute for Psychological Research, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus (UPR-RP), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ephi J. Betan, PhD, Clinical Psychology Program, Georgia School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University/Atlanta
Larry E. Beutler, Ph.D., Department of Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University
Jeffrey L. Binder, PhD, ABPP, Center for Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy, Nashville, Tennessee
Benjamin Bizar-Stanton, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology at Palo Alto University
Bruce Bongar, Ph.D, ABPP, FAPM, Palo Alto University & Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine
Lisa M. Brown, Ph.D., ABPP, Palo Alto University
Joyce Chu, Ph.D., Palo Alto University
Andrés J. Consoli, Ph.D., Department of Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California Santa Barbara
Melissa Morgan Consoli, Ph.D., Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Sergi Corbella, Ph.D., Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona
Erika A. Crawford, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Kevin Delucio, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jeremy Doughan, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VA Medical Center
Robert Elliott, Ph.D., School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde
R. Wyatt Evans, Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Research (CLEAR), Palo Alto University
David Giannini, Palo Alto University
Jerry Gold, Ph.D., The Derner Institute, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Peter Goldblum, Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Research (CLEAR), Palo Alto University
Marvin R. Goldfried, Stony Brook University
Keishalee Gómez-Arroyo, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Psychiatry, University of Puerto Rico Medical School
Leslie Greenberg, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, York University, North York, Toronto, Canada
Alexandra L. Hoff, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Lori Holleran, M.S., Palo Alto University
Kasie L. Hummel, M.A., M.S., Pacific Graduate School of Psychology at Palo Alto University
Adriana Hyams, MA., Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama
Larry James, United States Army
Elana R. Kagan, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Alex R. Kelman, Palo Alto University
Philip C. Kendall, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Victoria Kendrick, Palo Alto University
Gerald P. Koocher, PhD, ABPP, College of Science and Health, DePaul University
Orah T. Krug, Ph.D., Existential-Humanistic Institute, San Francisco, California; Department of Psychology, Saybrook University, San Francisco, California
Uri Kugel, M.S., Palo Alto University
Lucas S. LaFreniere, B.A., Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
Amy Leino, Palo Alto University
Samarea Lenore, M.S., Palo Alto University
Christopher T. H. Liang, Department of Education and Human Services, College of Education at Lehigh University
Paulo P. P. Machado, Ph.D., Psychotherapy and Psychopathology Research Unit, CIPsi, School of Psychology, University of Minho
Rogelio J. Mercado, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Carin Molenaar, Doctoral Student, Department of Education and Human Services, College of Education at Lehigh University
Michelle G. Newman, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
John C. Norcross, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Scranton
David E. Orlinsky, Ph.D., emeritus professor, Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago
Wendy Packman, J.D., Ph.D., Pacific Graduate School of Psychology at Palo Alto University
Jennifer H. Patterson, Ph.D., Veterans Health Administration
Samantha Pflum, Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Research (CLEAR), Palo Alto University
Michael J. Rohrbaugh, Ph.D., George Washington University, Washington, DC, and University of Arizona
Robert L. Russell, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Palo Alto University
J. Scott Rutan, Ph.D., Senior Faculty, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy
Forrest Scogin, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama
Joseph J. Shay, private practice, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Joshua Sheltzer, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
Ki Eun Shin, B.A., Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
Varda Shoham, Division of Adult Translational Research and Treatment Development, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, and University of Arizona
Matthew Skinta, Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Research (CLEAR), Palo Alto University
Danielle Spangler, M.A., Palo Alto University
Will D. Spaulding, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Meagan L. Stanley, Palo Alto University
George Stricker, Ph.D., American School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, Washington, DC
Scott Stuart, MD, University of Iowa
Stanley Sue, Palo Alto University
Mary E. Sullivan, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Anna J. Swan, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Rainey Temkin, M.S., Department of Psychology, Palo Alto University
Hui Qi Tong, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VA Medical Center
Elisa Vasquez, doctoral student, Department of Counseling Clinical and School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Melba J. T. Vasquez, Ph.D., Private Practice, Austin, Texas
Sherry C. Wang, University of Southern Mississippi
Amy Wenzel, Ph.D., ABPP, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and Wenzel Consulting, LLC
Oksana Yakushko, Pacifica Graduate University
Barrett E. Zimmerman, University of Scranton
Leila Zwelling, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VA Medical Center
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