Overall this is a very inspiring book that demands aresponse to an important issue which is often overlooked ormisunderstood. (Journal of Mental Health, 1 May2013)
In Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness, PatrickCorrigan and colleagues seek to provide a practically focused textthat is grounded in the experience and narratives of those who havestruggled with the impact of stigma on their lives. Aparticular strength is that it does not shy away from some moredifficult areas such as recognising that mental healthprofessionals may be complicit in othering peoplewith mental health difficulties to much the same extent as thegeneral population. (Oxford Journals Clippings,4 May 2012)"Overall, the authors provide thorough coverage of the majoraspects of stigma and stigma reduction efforts in an easy-to-useformat." (PsycCRITIQUES, 29 February 2012)
"Overall, I think the intentions of the authors are honourableand the books includes good suggestions on how to tackle thewidespread problems of stigma. These range from small tasks thatpeople could carry out in daily life to large changes required atgovernment level." (The Psychiatrist, 1 December 2011)
"This is a book that would be ideal for an undergraduate healthprofessional program, and could provide a valuable basis forcoursework, such as developing an anti-stigma intervention, orsimply a class discussion about the reality of stigma."(Metapsychology Online Reviews, 29 November 2011)
"In this unique text aimed at therapists, those in helpingprofessions, patients, and families in the US and Europe, Corrigan(psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology) et al. outlinepractical strategies for addressing the major forms of stigma ofmental illness: public stigma, prejudice and discriminationendorsed by general society; self-stigma, the loss of self-esteemand efficacy that occurs when a person internalizes prejudice anddiscrimination; and structural stigmas, the social forces shaped bypublic stigma ... some sections of the book were taken fromCorrigan and Rob
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