Up to 15% of all strokes occur in hospitalized patients, many of whom are there for surgical procedures or cardiac disorders. Outcomes can be poor, with high mortality - possibly related to co-morbidities and the complexities of hospital care. Risk factors for in-hospital stroke include specific operations and procedures (such as cardiac surgery), previous medical disorders (especially a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack), and certain physiological characteristics (including fever and dehydration). More rapid diagnosis and evaluation for interventional therapies is needed. This major new book examines the causes of treatment-related stroke in most hospital-based situations. Therapeutic approaches – including interventional therapies and intra-arterial thrombolysis – are highlighted, including experimental agents and interventions where other treatment possibilities are limited. Increasing the awareness of such interventions is an important factor in reducing delays in the assessment of patients who have strokes while in hospital, thus decreasing morbidity and reducing costs.
This is the first text to comprehensively cover this emerging field of stroke medicine, making it a unique resource for insights into treatment-related stroke including iatrogenic and in-hospital stroke
Contains the most up-to-date information available on treatment-related stroke, providing the reader with increased understanding of how to minimize the risks
Includes new treatment methods and discusses the potential risks associated with them, enabling readers to fully consider adequate precautions in an informed way
Table of Contents
Part I. Iatrogenic Ischemic Strokes – Peri- and Postoperative Strokes:
1. Stroke after general surgery Magdy Selim and Arne Lindgren
2. Stroke after open arterial surgery David Bergqvist and Björn Kragsterman
3. Postoperative stroke in neurosurgery Federico Landriel, Pablo Ajler and Claudio Yampolsky
4. Vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Fernando D. Goldenberg, Mario D. Terán and Federico Landriel
5. Stroke occurring on medical wards David Blacker
6. Stroke in trauma patients David Blacker
Part II. Iatrogenic Ischemic Strokes – Stroke after Endovascular Procedures:
7. Stroke associated with endovascular procedures Nabeel A. Herial, Mushtaq H. Qureshi and Adnan I. Qureshi
8. Stroke after diagnostic endovascular procedures Anastasios Mpotsaris and Tommy Andersson
9. Stroke after endovascular cardiac procedures and cardiothoracic surgery Christian Weimar and Stephan Knipp
10. Stroke after carotid revascularization procedure Andrei V. Alexandrov, Kristian Barlinn and Robert Mikulik
Part III. Iatrogenic Ischemic Strokes – Other Causes:
11. Radiation therapy and stroke Jelle Demeestere and Vincent Thijs
12. Stroke after chiropractic manipulations Lars Neeb and Uwe Reuter
13. Stroke due to air and fat embolism Fernando de M. Cardoso and Gabriel R. de Freitas
14. Stroke after discontinuation of preventive medications Jelle Demeestere and Vincent Thijs
Part IV. Iatrogenic Hemorrhagic Strokes – Thrombolysis-Related Hemorrhagic Strokes:
15. Intracranial hemorrhage: complication of endovascular therapy for acute stroke Muhib Alam Khan and Rushna Ali
16. Intracranial hemorrhage: complication of intravenous thrombolysis Norbert Nighoghossian
Part V. Iatrogenic Hemorrhagic Strokes – Intracranial Bleeding:
17. Intracranial hemorrhages secondary to antiplatelet treatment Shraddha Mainali
Part VI. Iatrogenic Hemorrhagic Strokes – Anticoagulation-Related Intracranial Hemorrhage:
18. Intracranial-extracerebral hemorrhage: complication of anticoagulation Muhib Alam Khan
19. Iatrogenic intracerebral hemorrhage due to oral anticoagulation therapy: risk factors and diagnosis Alexander Tsiskaridze
Part VII. Other Uncommon Causes of Iatrogenic Stroke:
20. Stroke during pregnancy and puerperium Elisabetta Del Zotto and Alessandro Pezzini
21. Cardioversion-related stroke Morten L. Hansen and Steen Husted
22. Medication-induced stroke Fazeel M. Siddiqui and Adnan I. Qureshi
Part VIII. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis:
23. Cerebral venous thrombosis José M. Ferro and Patrícia Canhão
Part IX. Medication Reversal and Restarting in Patients with Iatrogenic Strokes:
24. Treatment of oral anticoagulant-related intracranial hemorrhages Mushtaq H. Qureshi, J. Alfredo Caceres and Adnan I. Qureshi.
Alexander Tsiskaridze, Sarajishvili Institute of Neurology, Tblisi State University
Alexander Tsiskaridze is Professor of Neurology and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, and Scientific Director at the Sarajishvili Institute of Neurology, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Arne Lindgren, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Lund
Arne Lindgren is Professor of Neurology in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, and Senior Consultant in the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden.
Adnan Qureshi, Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota
Adnan Qureshi is a Professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota.
Magdy Selim, Arne Lindgren, David Bergqvist, Björn Kragsterman, Federico Landriel, Pablo Ajler, Claudio Yampolsky, Fernando D. Goldenberg, Mario D. Terán, David Blacker, Nabeel A. Herial, Mushtaq H. Qureshi, Adnan I. Qureshi, Anastasios Mpotsaris, Tommy Andersson, Christian Weimar, Stephan Knipp, Andrei V. Alexandrov, Kristian Barlinn, Robert Mikulik, Jelle Demeestere, Vincent Thijs, Lars Neeb, Uwe Reuter, Fernando de M. Cardoso, Gabriel R. de Freitas, Muhib Alam Khan, Rushna Ali, Norbert Nighoghossian, Shraddha Mainali, Alexander Tsiskaridze, Elisabetta Del Zotto, Alessandro Pezzini, Morten L. Hansen, Steen Husted, Fazeel M. Siddiqui, José M. Ferro, Patrícia Canhão, J. Alfredo Caceres
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