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A favorite text of physiology students worldwide, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology delivers the complex knowledge you need to master in a distinctive, easy-to-digest format. The fifteenth Edition of this bestselling text is fully up to date and provides clear, comprehensive coverage of the content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students. The unique format ensures maximum learning and retention of complex concepts: a larger font size emphasizes core information, while supporting information is detailed in a smaller font and highlighted in pale blue-making it easy to quickly skim the essential text or pursue more in-depth study.Focuses on core material and how the body maintains homeostasis to remain healthy, emphasizing the important principles that will aid in later clinical decision makingContains new information on physiology and the gut microbiome, lung sounds, and clinically important sex differences in physiology lab valuesPresents information in short chapters using a concise, readable voice that facilitates learning and retentionUtilizes two font sizes: a larger font for fundamentals, and a smaller font that highlights relevant integrated sciences, clinical examples, pathophysiology, or detailed mechanisms that students can read as neededContains more than 1,200 full-color drawings and diagrams-all carefully crafted to make physiology easier to understandIncludes online access to heart and lung sounds, animations, self-assessment questions, and moreAn eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures, with the ability to search, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud
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