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Updated edition of a practical step-by-step guide to common procedures in emergency and critical care medicine for dogs and catsVeterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Third Edition delivers a highly practical step-by-step guide to common life-saving procedures in canine and feline practice. Presenting concise descriptions of techniques accompanied by full-color clinical photographs, this book is designed for easy reference in an emergency situation.This newly revised and updated Third Edition includes the latest developments in the field of emergency and critical care medicine, with new information on the Mila Seldinger thoracostomy tube placement, over-the-wire blind intubation using a rigid polypropylene catheter and ET tube, use of an introducer to facilitate placement of esophagostomy tubes, as well as transoral airway washes.Each procedure includes information on the indications for the technique, potential risks, and equipment required, with helpful hints for avoiding complications. A companion website features video clips demonstrating most procedures.This new edition includes information on:Cardiopulmonary resuscitation based on the latest RECOVER guidelines, covering closed and open chest CPR as well as basic and advanced life supportVascular access techniques, including peripheral venous catheters, percutaneous facilitation, vascular cutdown, central venous catheters, and arterial catheterizationOxygen supplementation and management of upper airway obstruction, covering nasal and nasopharyngeal oxygen catheters, and intratracheal oxygen supplementationThoracocentesis and thoracostomy tube placement, management of open sucking chest wounds, and analgesia and local anesthesia to block rib fracturesVeterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures is a must-have reference for any veterinarian or veterinary technician dealing with emergent canine and feline patients, along with veterinary and veterinary technology students.
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