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Stay current with the latest advances and clinical applications of cardiac echo with Clinical Echocardiography Review: A Self-Assessment Tool, Third Edition. Edited by Drs. Allan L. Klein, Craig R. Asher, and Michael Chetrit, and written by national and international experts from the Cleveland Clinic and other leading institutions, this best-selling review tool offers a self-paced, highly effective way to assess and expand your knowledge of echocardiography and improve comprehension and retention of vital information. The fully updated Third Edition is an excellent educational resource for cardiologists, fellows, anesthesiologists, critical care physicians, and sonographers at all levels of experience.Provides fully updated content throughout, with over 1,200 self-assessment questions with answers, many based on interpretation of sample images, making this the largest question-and-answer review in echocardiographyIncludes new and expanded chapters on basic physics principles, individual valve diseases, structural and interventional echo, and new technologies and the expanding utility of ultrasound, and moreFeatures over 400 videos appearing in the eBook bundled with the text of real-life case studies that build your knowledge for clinical useCovers clinically oriented topics such as valvular heart disease, myocardial, pericardial, and aortic disease, and coronary and congenital heart disease, as well as structural and interventional echo, mechanical support therapies, 3D echocardiography, much moreShares the knowledge and expertise of new editor and internationally recognized expert in multimodality imaging, Dr. Michael Chetrit, from McGill University and a graduate of Cleveland Clinic cardiology advanced fellowship trainingEnrich your eBook reading experienceRead directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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